Share class: Bellevue Gold Limited

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A11,177,341,8511,133,084,037 ( 96.24 %) 989,042 ( 0.0840 %) 96.24 %

Major shareholders: Bellevue Gold Limited

Van Eck Associates Corp.
9.018 %
115,435,553 9.018 % 99 M $
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
8.081 %
103,432,878 8.081 % 89 M $
BlackRock Fund Advisors
1.920 %
24,580,988 1.920 % 21 M $
17,831,188 1.393 % 15 M $
17,613,753 1.376 % 15 M $
BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Ltd.
0.8596 %
11,002,858 0.8596 % 9 M $
Commonwealth Superannuation Corp. (Investment Management)
0.5951 %
7,616,767 0.5951 % 7 M $
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd.
0.5728 %
7,331,270 0.5728 % 6 M $
State Street Global Advisors Trust Co.
0.5338 %
6,832,029 0.5338 % 6 M $
Colonial First State Investments Ltd.
0.4338 %
5,552,367 0.4338 % 5 M $
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

United States 11.64%
United Kingdom 8.78%
Individuals 3.15%
Australia 2.79%
Switzerland 0.53%
Liechtenstein 0.38%
Germany 0.24%
Japan 0.21%
France 0.15%
Ireland 0.05%
Canada 0.04%
New Zealand 0.03%
Norway 0.02%
Spain 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Bellevue Gold Limited
Bellevue Gold Limited is engaged in the exploration and evaluation of minerals and mining and processing of gold at its Bellevue Gold Project in Australia. The Bellevue Gold Project is located in the northern part of the Norseman Wiluna Greenstone belt in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. The project is approximately 40 kilometers (km) north (by sealed highway) from the regional center of Leinster and covers approximately 1,930 square kilometers (km2) of mining and exploration licenses. The project represents one of Australia's highest-grade gold mines, with a Mineral Resource of approximately 3.1 million ounces (Moz) at 9.9 grams per ton (g/t) global grade resource.
More about the company
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