Amazon Web Services (AWS), the cloud division of Amazon, announces the launch of the AWS Mexico (Central) region, and says it plans to invest more than $5 billion in Mexico over 15 years as part of its long-term commitment.
This new AWS region will offer customers 'more choices to run workloads and store data securely in Mexico, while offering end users even lower latency'.
AWS estimates that the construction and operation of this new AWS region will add approximately $10 billion to Mexico's GDP and support an average of more than 7,000 full-time equivalent jobs in external companies each year.
Copyright (c) 2025 All rights reserved., Inc. is one of the world leaders in on-line distribution of products to the general public. The group also operates a marketplace activity, allowing individuals and distribution companies to conduct their purchase and selling transactions for goods and services. The activity is organized around three families of products and services:
- electronic and computer products: toys, cameras, computers, laptops and peripherals, TVs, stereo systems, readers, wireless communication products, etc. also offers kitchen and garden equipment, clothing, beauty products, etc.;
- cultural products: books, musical products, video games and DVDs;
- other: primarily Internet interface and application development services.
Net sales break down by source of income between sales of services (52.7%) and sales of products (47.3%).
Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (69.3%), Germany (6.5%), the United Kingdom (5.9%), Japan (4.7%), and other (13.6%).