Despite initial misgivings about security and mobility, the Paris 2024 Olympic Games came to an end on Sunday, leaving behind a positive impact on the city.

The economic benefits for businesses are varied. Some have thrived thanks to the Games, while others have seen their usual business disrupted. According to data from Visa, a partner of the Games, small businesses in Paris saw a 26% increase in sales. Sponsors such as LVMH, which invested €150 million, are hoping to benefit in the long term from increased visibility during the Games.

Other companies, such as Airbnb, have had mixed results. However, these companies see their involvement as an investment, hoping to attract more visitors to Paris in the months and years to come. Disneyland Paris, for example, has indicated that the Games have disrupted the usual interest in their parks, but they anticipate a more positive impact in the long term.

As far as the legacy of the Games is concerned, Paris sought to organise a low-cost Games, with temporary facilities in the heart of the city. Little infrastructure was built, with the exception of a small stadium and a swimming pool. The main buildings, such as the Olympic Village and a few other facilities, will be converted into new housing in developing areas of Paris.

Improvements have also been made to the transport system, with infrastructure that will be appreciated in the future. Cycle paths, for example, are a new feature in Paris after COVID. Finally, the city has invested heavily in improving the quality of the Seine, a project completed in time for the Games, enabling open water swimming.

Bloomberg videos, provided by MT Newswires