Blaine Crissman

Blaine Crissman

Chief Executive Officer at South Dakota Equity Partners

Consumer Services
Producer Manufacturing

Active connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
David Alexander Ure M -
17 years
David J. Arslanian M 46
17 years
Bill Harlan M -
20 years
Justin Gray M -
Dakota Resources
Ray Hespen M -
Kamran Tahamtanzadeh M -
2 years
Dwight Patterson M -
21 years
David Patterson M -
21 years
James E. Oury M -
Jacqson Collins M -
Dakota Resources
Heidi Zeller-Crawford F -
Dakota Resources
Rachael Sherard F -
Dakota Resources
Garrett Schweitzer M -
Dakota Resources
Ryan Mulder M -
Dakota Resources
Peter D. Los M -
Caleb Finck M -
Dakota Resources
Marc Eyre M -
Dakota Resources
Ruth Christopherson F -
Dakota Resources
Mark Litton M -
Dakota Resources
Lisa Carrico F -
Dakota Resources
Patri Acevedo Fuentes M -
Dakota Resources
Linda Salmonson F -
Dakota Resources
Lee DeLange M -
8 years
Connie Halverson F -
Dakota Resources
George Holmes M -
Todd Gagne M -
David Kingman M -
Joe Bartmann M -
Dakota Resources
See more

Connections Chart

Multi-company connection

Former connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Sandra Mayasich F -
6 years
Lopez Rocky M -
4 years
Ned Scheetz M 59
The Fuqua School of Business
1 years
Tammy L. Devine F -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
John W. DeCero M 58
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Carlos Eduardo Reis da Matta M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Lauren Belcher F -
2 years
Clayton Baker M -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
George Morrow M 72
The Fuqua School of Business
9 years
Hirokazu Mashita M 55
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Ralph P. Dudziak M -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Alexandra Kealey F -
Renata Johns F -
Philip Storm M -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Jeffrey W. Shirley M -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Nancy Seitz F -
William J. Lump M -
6 years
Douglas Bruce Bollermann M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Wyatt Lyle Crumpler M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Robert Nelson M -
Tatsuya Kubo M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Paul Kasinski M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Donald Casturo M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Rich Mike M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Ted Hillenmeyer M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
John Nicholas M -
The Fuqua School of Business
12 years
Hiroyuki Iioka M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Todd S. Werner M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Fred Johnson M -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Marla Kessler F -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Mark Loquan M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Richard McPhail M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Mike Egan M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
David Fleming M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Julie Watson F -
Megan Chapman Collins F -
John Murabito M 65
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Albert Monk M 55
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Chip Rewey M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Nicholas Tomashot M 61
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Jeffrey Priest M 61
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Keith Bennett Horowitz M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
James Harris Rooney M 61
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Paul Joseph Chew M -
The Fuqua School of Business
1 years
Kenneth James Long M 56
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Tzau Jin Chung M 61
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Gregory Xavier Falcon M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Matt Mead M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Katrinka McCallum F 56
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Johnny Powers M 62
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Kenneth Gacevich M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Theodore C. Feierstein M 66
Stefanie L. Bachhuber F -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Jon Scanlon M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Charles Riceman M 55
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Michael Crowley M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Edward F. Hillenmeyer M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Susan Larson Williams F 66
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Kenneth Paulus M 64
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Shami Patel M 54
The Fuqua School of Business
4 years
Steve Johns M -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Peter Ingram M 57
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
Bill Lump M -
Colin D. Chickles M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
John Hoesley M -
10 years
Ed W. Edens M -
Augustana College (Illinois)
4 years
Byron McCann M -
James Corscadden M -
The Fuqua School of Business
12 years
Jeff Robinson M 54
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
David McLaughlin Goss M -
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years
The Fuqua School of Business
2 years


CountryConnections% of total
United States 99 100.00%

Age of Connections





Members of the board


Origin of connections